"Well," said the little girl, "because I don’t support England ."
Even more surprised, the teacher asked her who she supported. "I support the Springboks", she replied. Now a bit irritated, the teacher asked the little girl why she supported the Springboks. "My mom supports the Springboks, and my dad supports the Springboks, so I support the Springboks." The teacher looked at the little girl and with a smirk asked: "Well, if your mom was an idiot and your dad was an idiot, what would you be?"
The little girl looked up at her teacher, smiled and replied:
"An England supporter!"
Here's another one:
A group of England rugby fans die and - finally taking to heart the advice given to them by Springbok supporters - to go to hell.
The devil notices that they're looking rather happier than they should be, and asks why. They explain, "Compared to the English weather, we're enjoying the warmth."
So the devil thinks: "I'll fix them," and cranks up the heat. But the Poms just take off their shirts and drink even more lager than usual. "When the weather gets this good in England we can't bear to waste it," one says.
The devil decides to wipe the smile off their faces and turning the heat down to well below zero, but returns to find the Pom fans singing, "Swing low, sweet chariot" and partying with all their might.
Confused, he demands an explanation.
"If hell is freezing over, it must mean we're going to win the Rugby World Cup Final on Saturday."
Well. I will be ready with my braai at 2am on Sunday morning here in Phuket. I know that all of you will be joining me to moan and shout our way through 80 minutes of hell. I just hope we are smiling at the end....