When you visit Thailand, don't be surprised by the number of teenage girls (and boys) you see with braces on their teeth. At some of the Bangkok malls, it will often seem as though every second youngster you pass has problem teeth. No, that's not it. And neither has there been an explosion of dental care.
No, what you are witnessing is the latest fashion trend. Those braces are fakes. Teens from the West often cringe when they are forced to wear the unsightly braces, but in Thailand they are a sign of affluence. Only rich parents take their kids off to orthodontists, so it became a sign that you were one of the privileged few.

No longer. With fake braces of all sizes, colours and design on sale everywhere from outdoor markets to trendy boutiques, it has become yet another fashion statement. And it makes it so much easier for those who really are forced to wear braces - no-one could possibly know.

The health authorities have been threatening to clamp down on those who manufacture the pseudo-dental gear, but the show goes on. The do-it-yourself kits come with red, pink, yellow, blue or multicoloured rubber bands to match the buyer's outfit or mood. You'd be hard-pressed to find a plain-coloured band in a Thai mouth.

In this trend-obsessed society, I wish I had the foresight to predict what will be the next hot product. I guess it will be something electronic, but it could just as easily be a pet rock or high-heel shoes made from wire. Once I find out, you will be the first to know.