The battle between sugar daddies and their young mistresses is a never-ending saga in Thailand. However, the shenanigans in the Land of Smiles is not restricted to silly middle-aged foreigners who are easily duped - the Thai men are proving just as gullible. The young girls have to think up all sorts of tales to get their unattractive beaus to party to part with their hard-earned bucks (or baht, as is the case here).
Apparently, the latest trick is for the cunning lady to have her stomach injected with chemicals which results in her appearing to be pregnant. The tearful young girl then approaches her middle-aged lover with the dreadful news. This is a deadly weapon: not only does this raise the odds of his wife finding out, but he faces the prospect of paying for his love child for the rest of his life.

He persuades her to have a backstreet abortion. She agrees with great reluctance, but has amazingly already worked out how much it will cost him (at least double the normal rate, of course). A middle-ranked civil servant may quibble about a few thousand baht, but high-ranking government officials or upright leaders of the community will happily pay up to avoid the scandal.
The scam has been reported by the Nation Newspaper in Bangkok, based on an interview with a 20-year-old college student from Ubon Rachathani, but all official sources claim they have not heard a whisper of such despicable behaviour. Of course not, that would mean they are condoning it, wouldn't it?

The girls say that their mean 'sugar daddies' sometimes only paid them the equivalent of 10-20 US dollars a month and had mastered the art of delaying when the girls asked for small gifts like new motorbikes, cars and brand-name fashion accessories. The trick of claiming to be pregnant - backed up by a swollen belly - has been identified as the surest way to getting them to pay up quickly. Students apparently learnt the trick from TV soap operas.
The only downside for the girls trying out this trick is that the sugar daddy tends to become less infatuated with the young temptress afterwards. That makes it essential to ensure that the fake big belly lands a hefty pay packet!